Advice for parents on the pros and cons of remote learning in the time of COVID-19

As the weeks of stay-at-home orders and school closures continue nationwide, parents are questioning whether isolation measures and physical distancing are doing lasting damage to their kids’ emotional development. Clinical psychologist, Candice Cowen, considers the positives and negatives of remote learning and children’s mental health in general during the COVID-19 pandemic. She also explores how parents can best support their children through learning from home until their return to school.
22 May 2020 English South Africa News · Health & Fitness

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Dr Sumy Thomas says that for the elderly and for people who live with chronic illnesses, COVID-19 is “a matter of life and death”. She explains the benefits of COVID-19 vaccines and encourages everyone, especially the elderly, to get vaccinated as soon as possible.
22 Jul 2021 11 min