Wham! Bam Hologram | Strictly Come Ridgeley | Weekend at Kenny Rogers | Barbie in the '80s
We've been nominated in the Best Music Podcast in the APVA Awards. Please vote for us here, just scroll down to music: https://awards.apva.africa/vote-now/
In the latest edition of That Wham! Show we find out that Wham! may come back as holograms, Andrew Ridgeley wants to do the cha cha cha and how a trip to China ended with George Michael being called a dumbbell.
Dori recommends The Perks of Being a Wallflower, while Paulo's movie links Kenny Rogers to Weekend at Bernies.
And having heard something about a Barbie movie, Paulo and Dori look at Barbie in the '80s.
So. Many. Legwarmers.
Everything we discuss in this show can be found on @That80sShowSA on Facebook. This show originally plays out with music that we have to remove from the podcast - here are the songs we spoke about and played:
The Specials - Ghost Town
Gloria Estefan and The Miami Sound Machine - Dr Beat
Love of the Common People - Paul Young
We've been nominated in the Best Music Podcast in the APVA Awards. Please vote for us here, just scroll down to music: https://awards.apva.africa/vote-now/
In the latest edition of That Wham! Show we find out that Wham! may come back as holograms, Andrew Ridgeley wants to do the cha cha cha and how a trip to China ended with George Michael being called a dumbbell.
Dori recommends The Perks of Being a Wallflower, while Paulo's movie links Kenny Rogers to Weekend at Bernies.
And having heard something about a Barbie movie, Paulo and Dori look at Barbie in the '80s.
So. Many. Legwarmers.
Everything we discuss in this show can be found on @That80sShowSA on Facebook. This show originally plays out with music that we have to remove from the podcast - here are the songs we spoke about and played:
The Specials - Ghost Town
Gloria Estefan and The Miami Sound Machine - Dr Beat
Love of the Common People - Paul Young