Reverse Wham!Ageddon | Hall and Oates Private Lies | Out of Context Paulo - The Action Figure
Your favourite '80s podcast brings you the rules of Reverse Wham!Ageddon - don't even bother playing, Paulo will beat you.
Who would win in a fight between Wham! and The Pet Shop Boys? Who will win in the fight between Hall and Oates and who would you back if Calvin took on Hobbes?
Plus, The Guardian ranked the Top 20 Stock, Aitken & Waterman songs of the '80s and '90s... and number one will spin you right round.
Who would win in a fight between Wham! and The Pet Shop Boys? Who will win in the fight between Hall and Oates and who would you back if Calvin took on Hobbes?
Plus, The Guardian ranked the Top 20 Stock, Aitken & Waterman songs of the '80s and '90s... and number one will spin you right round.