GRACE UPON GRACE - Clementia Pae the author of the Book: The Womb of Africa carries Glory
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02.09.2024 - GRACE UPON GRACE - It is a new month, New Season and super excited about what God has in store for us. This week on #GraceuponGrace with Musa Jakuja I am joined by Clementia Pae the author of the Book: The Womb of Africa carries Glory, a daughter of God, a mother , a minister and an Apostle of the Gospel. As we have stepped into the NEW Season, there are some who are feeling stagnant and are in places of fear and are unbleto move..... Today the Lord wants to set us free from such muddy places and set us FREE to deliver what we have been carrying safe and healthy. Trust me you don't want to miss out on this life changing word. Tune in this Monday, the 02nd Sep at 6-7pm only on 729am Cape Pulpit.