‘n Vroeë Valentynsdag op Fauresmith met Coenie de Villiers

Coenie de Villiers word allerweë erken as een van nie alleen Afrikaans se beste liedjieskrywers nie, maar een van Suid-Afrika se voorste klavier-maestro’s, sangers en komponiste. Hy sluit by Yolanda Maartens aan in die OFM Kunsteklop om te gesels oor die debuut van sy nuwe vertoning: "Wie kan my se van die liefde?" wat die 12de Februarie in die nuut gerestoureerde Stadsaal op Fauresmith plaasvind. Kaartjies is by Lizzy beskikbaar: 071 603 7258
28 Jan English South Africa Performing Arts · Visual Arts

Other recent episodes

International duo share their passion for music on the Odeion stage

Joining Yolanda Maartens in the OFM Art Beat is Joseph Kunnuji who will be performing with Mlungisi Gegana on the 29th of March at the Odeion in Bloemfontein. This partnership will transport audiences to a new experience. Joseph also talks about the importance of motivating the youth to pick up…
12 Mar 6 min

Art Therapy helps heal trauma and builds resilience in children

Art therapy is an invaluable tool for addressing childhood trauma, especially within disadvantaged communities in South Africa, where children face significant challenges such as poverty, violence, and abuse. Nadia Lubowski, director at the Anton Lubowski Educational Trust joins Yolanda Maartens in the OFM Art Beat to talk about the various…
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‘Strings in Contrast’ presented by the Odeion String Quartet

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