Market Conduct Sessional Meeting

You may have been accustomed to “Treating Customers Fairly” (TCF). Recently, Council has agreed to replace the TCF Committee with the “Market Conduct Committee”. The focus of the Committee is
to actively support the development and thought leadership of actuarial practice in the context of market conduct through the development of Standards of Actuarial Practice and Actuarial Practice Notes, and the provision of CPD events. In other words, a broader remit than TCF in isolation.

In light of the above, members from the Market Conduct Committee will highlight key features of the Committee, providing insights of how members could interact with the Committee. The presenters in Johannesburg are Peter Johnstone,
22 Feb 2018 English South Africa Business

Other recent episodes

DAY 1: Opening Remarks and Plenary Address

OPENING REMARKS | Roseanne Murphy da Silva, President of the Actuarial Society of South Africa PLENARY ADDRESS | Joan Lamm-Tennant, CEO of Blue Marble Microinsurance
15 Dec 2016 42 min

DAY 1: Climate Change

The Earth, Humanity, the Economy and the Actuarial Profession, Rob Thomson, Taryn Reddy, Sam Gutterman (IAA Presentation)
20 Dec 2016 1 hr 35 min