Kay Media Africa Radiant Culture

Radiant Culture

Every week Radiant Culture seeks to be a voice that speaks into, confronts and influences modern day culture. We ask questions, provide insight and challenge the status quo from a christian perspective. We are young, fresh and exciting, and we will get you thinking about the choices you make in life
Weekly English Zimbabwe Society & Culture · Christianity
206 Episodes
40 – 60

Episode 162- Is Beauty a Gift or a Curse?

In this very light-hearted episode we have a conversation about Beauty. Is it a GIFT or a Curse? What are some of the advantages and challenges that people specifically women who are generally considered "very good looking" have when it comes to finding a partner for marriage or even in…
2 Dec 2022 52 min

Episode 161- Faith vs Reality (PART 2)

This is a continuation of Episode 160 as we discuss Faith vs Reality. In this episode we discuss: - How do we practically live by faith in the face of contesting realities - Does faith mean the answer is always yes? what If God doesn’t heal or give the response…
17 Nov 2022 1 hr 02 min

Episode 160- Faith Vs Reality

At times as Christians we often struggle to believe or hold on to what the word of God says when the reality on the ground seems to be other wise. How do you apply faith in difficult situations? It seems like sometimes as Christians we are often acceptors of reality…
3 Nov 2022 27 min

Episode 159-Rekindling your passion for the things of God

When we first become believers and followers of Jesus we have such a passion for the the things of God and a hunger to grow spiritually. However when we reach a certain level of spiritual maturity we tend to get complacent and become less hungry to grow in our faith,…
18 Oct 2022 57 min

Episode 158- MyTruth or Gods Truth

We live in an age where people are increasingly rejecting objective truth& God’s truth for their own personal truths. In this episode we discuss what is the danger in this new movement? What ways does it contribute to creating a more selfish society? How does it affect how people engage…
2 Sep 2022 43 min

Episode 157: Christians vs Cancel Culture

There is a  movement currently trending in society called “Cancel Culture” which sees individuals  being “cancelled” by society for things they have either said or done. What defines this movement called “cancel culture”? Can Christians take part in it and still remain Christians? And how can Christian’s prevent the fear…
27 Jul 2022 54 min

Episode 156: The Great Misunderstanding or the Great Misleading

Recently, American preacher, Creflo Dollar preached a sermon titled “The Great Misunderstanding” in which he claimed that tithing is part of the Old Testament and is not necessary for Christians under the New Covenant. He then went on to urge his congregants to destroy his teachings on the topic. What…
15 Jul 2022 47 min

Episode 155: Christian social influencing

In this episode, continuing from their discussion on society’s craving for social validation, T-Mak and Kuki Monsta are joined by renowned gospel artist and social influencer, Tembalami, to talk about Christian social influencing. How do Christian’s use social media to positively influence others and share the Gospel? Is there a…
9 Jun 2022 47 min

Episode 154: Dealing with our craving for social validation

In our world today, with things like social media constantly measuring us, there's constant pressure to publish our successes and accomplishments and look our best. As a result we live in a state of constant performance, seeking validation from society. But how does Christianity address society's need for constant validation?…
18 May 2022 45 min

Episode 153: Applying your faith at work and in your career

In this episode we discuss How to Connect Your Faith With Your Career. For some people the only true "Christian" career is being a pastor, but not everyone can be or is even called to be a pastor. So what about the rest of us? How do we pursue God…
25 Apr 2022 55 min

Episode 152: Finding The Right Church

In this episode we discuss how to find the right church to call home. You may have moved cities, left your church for various reasons or you have just become a Christian. With so many different churches, how do you know which one is the right one for you. What…
15 Apr 2022 1 hr 04 min

Episode 151: Rekindling the fire from when we got saved.

In this episode we are joined by Pastor Craig Ndoro as we discuss rekindling the fire from when we got saved. Life happens, challenges come, we get knocked down, get up, backslide, and come back toy the faith. Somehow we manage to hold on to the faith but without that…
31 Mar 2022 1 hr 03 min

EP150- 5 Year Anniversary Episode

Radiant Culture celebrates 5 years and in this 150th episode we reflect on the journey and experience so far. While this episode is full of humour and banter due to its light hearted approach, we share a lot valuable insights and lessons we have learnt along the way that have…
26 Nov 2021 59 min

Episode 149: God said...

How do we know when God speaks that it is truly him not our subconscious mind? Many times we say or hear people saying God said to me, or God told me this about you. While its all in good faith, how do we test prophetic words spoken over our…
19 Nov 2021 1 hr 06 min

What it REALLY means to follow Jesus

In this episode we are joined by Shingai Kuwaza as we discuss what it REALLY means to follow Jesus. Jesus came, pointed us to Truth and Life, proclaimed He is the way and called us to follow Him. This is essentially what Christianity is all about, but what does it…
3 Nov 2021 47 min

What it REALLY means to live by faith

In this Episode we sit down with Pastor Craig Ndoro as we discuss what it really means to live by faith.The bible says without FAITH its impossible to please God. Faith is central to the Gospel, so crucial yet seems like a very difficult thing to grasp, possess or keep…
15 Oct 2021 1 hr 01 min

Coping With Grief and Loss

In this Episode we are joined by LeeAnn Johnson, the Director of Counseling at Harare Christian Counseling Centre, as we discuss hoe to cope with grief and loss. Every single person has experienced some degree of grief and loss during this pandemic. Whether it's loss of a person, a job,…
30 Sep 2021 50 min

EP145-Christian Life During Lockdown

In this episode we discuss how Christian life has changed during lock-down. How are Christians coping and dealing with the restrictions social distancing brings on fellowship which is vital to spiritual growth and Christian life? Are digital meetups sufficient? How are we staying connected and also how can we make…
18 Sep 2021 48 min

How what's happening in Israel-Palestine affects Christians

How should Christians interpret what's happening right now in Israel/Palestine against the backdrop of prophecy and end times? Does it affect us at all? Should it be a major prayer point for all of us? What's the history behind this conflict from a biblical and historical point of view and…
21 Jun 2021 53 min
40 – 60