Re-Invent Productions The Re-Invent Health Podcast

The Re-Invent Health Podcast

The Re-Invent Health podcast, hosted by Nicci Robertson, focuses on a holistic approach to health and wellness. Robertson, a nutrition and wellness expert, explores various topics related to physical, mental, and emotional well-being, emphasising sustainable lifestyle changes over quick fixes. Episodes cover a range of subjects, from nutrition and exercise to mental health, mindfulness, and biohacking. The podcast often features experts from different health fields, providing insights into achieving long-term wellness and a balanced lifestyle.
Weekly English South Africa Health & Fitness · Food
109 Episodes
20 – 40

EP89 - Screening Saves Lives - with Dr Sean Thornley

My guest today is Dr Sean Thornley - Medical Doctor, General Practitioner, and Anaesthetist at the Take Care Clinic. Today we are going to discuss an extremely important topic and something that too many of us put off until we have a real problem. And that is preventative medial screening. …
8 Dec 2023 33 min

EP88 - The Future of Personalised Supplements with Bernard Nortjie

In this episode I chat with Bernard Nortjie, owner and founder of Tailorblend. South Africa's first and only truly personalised supplement company. Personalised nutrition and supplementation is indeed the health hack of the future. To create your own tailor blended formula please visit and you can of course find…
28 Nov 2023 41 min

EP87 - Unpacking IBS - with Nicci Robertson

In this short episode I am going to answer one of the questions that I get sent time and time again. That being, how can I manage IBS, it’s ruining my life. Anyone who has ever suffered with long term abdominal pain will know how difficult it is to treat…
19 Sep 2023 5 min

EP86 - Balancing Hormones with Dr Mark Opperman

In todays show I chat with the fabulous Dr Mark Opperman about all things hormones. How to balance hormones as age, when things go wrong and what to do about it, as well as how our lifestyles can make or break us.  Dr Mark is a regular guest on the…
13 Sep 2023 44 min

EP85 - Getting Younger as You Age - with Dana Frost

Dana Frost is a mother of 5 children a wellness expert and the host of the Vitally You podcast, shining a light on how you can feel younger while growing older.  As you will hear in the episode, Dana’s life experiences and extensive education has added to her ability to…
14 Jun 2023 56 min

Ep84 - Urgent Optimistic Curiosity - with Graeme Codrington

Resistance to change is a guaranteed way to negatively impact your immune health through the bombardment of stress hormones. So how do we realistically learn to embrace change and learn to adapt? How to we turn our fear of the future into excitement about what is possible? In this episode…
19 May 2023 58 min

Ep-83 Live Well and Thrive - with Niki Seberini

This episode is a rebroadcast of my January 2023 interview on ChaiFM with the incredible Niki Seberini.  Live Well and Thrive is available at all book stores and online via Amazon and Takealot.
2 May 2023 21 min

Ep82 - Destigmatising Male Trauma - with Hungani Ndlovu

Hungani Ndlovu is a true South African A list actor and hip hop dancer, appearing in a number of television and stage productions.  He co-founded the ‘The Ndlovu Foundation’. A Non-Profit that aims to help young people to live their dreams through dancing and drama. And is a co -director…
9 Apr 2023 50 min

Ep80 - Your Health Begins with Your Mind - with Dr Kirstin Lauritzen

Today I chat with one of my all time favourite people, Dr Kirstin Lauritzen. In this episode we discuss, at length the mental and emotional origin of disease. Kirstin has evolved her practice to incorporating mind body medicine and is seeing incredible healing take place. Dr Kirstens contact details are…
14 Feb 2023 50 min

Ep79 - Running for Longevity - with Jurgen Vogt

Mention running to many people and they visibly cringe. When I started running I had no idea that in order to cover significant mileage comfortably you actually needed to keep your heart rate low from beginning to end, which is why it took me so many years to learn to…
4 Dec 2022 58 min

EP78 - Demystifying Co-Dependence - with Vanessa Imbriolo

Vanessa Imbriolo is an advanced EFT Tapping Matrix Practitioner, Advanced Neuromodulator and Addiction Recovery Specialist for over 20 years. Vee coaches both adults and teens one-on-one and runs life altering workshops and with the aim of teaching conscious awareness, finding empathy and SELF LOVE. In this episode we dig into…
27 Nov 2022 50 min

EP77 - Activating the Relaxation Response - with Niki Seberini

In today's show I chat with Im chatting with Niki Seberini. Mindfulness coach, talk show host and creator of Halcyon. A gorgeously simple and effective breathing jewel that calms your nervous system and enables a state of calm focus. You can find out more about the Halcyon by contacting Niki…
22 Nov 2022 44 min

EP76 - Metabolic Mastery - with Kirsten Flanagan

Growing up as a world champion athlete Kirsten Flanagan developed a passion for understanding the science of nutrition, leading her a BSc in Human Physiology & Biochemistry, and a Medical Honours in Exercise Science. Having experimented with many different nutritional strategies, Kirsten realised that achieving a state of ‘metabolic flexibility’…
11 Nov 2022 53 min

Ep75 - Health Intelligence - with Dr Steven Stavrou

In this episode I chat with Dr Steven Stavrou or better known as Steve Stavs about taking responsibility for your health. As well as the art and science of bio hacking and the most simple and indeed free steps you can take to improve your health starting today.
4 Nov 2022 53 min

EP74 - From Meth To Marathons - with Costa Carastavrakis

From a deserted house in rural Mexico with a junkie smoking crack cocaine for the first time. To the start of an Olympic Distance Triathlon. Costa Carastavrakis shares his incredible journey with heartfelt candour , humour and honesty.   He brings light and humour to the darkness of addiction and shows…
21 Oct 2022 47 min

EP73 - Running in Heels - with Zoë Scholtz

What does it take to go from unfit, overweight and critically ill, to running an ultra marathon? In this episode Zoë Scholtz shares her incredible story which you can read more about in her book - Running in Heels, from ICU to Ultramarathon. Facebook Instagram Strava LinkedIn…
14 Oct 2022 57 min

EP72 Practicing Authentic Resilience -with Gabi Lowe

In todays episode I have the privilege of chatting with coach and author, Gabi Lowe. Gabi’s book, Get Me to 21 tells the story of her daughter, Jenna and her family’s epic fight to get through a rare disease, pulmonary hypertension. Gabi talks at length about developing authentic resilience, living…
7 Oct 2022 51 min

EP71 - Lifespan vs Health Span - with Tristan Van Moerkerken

People the world over are living longer, but not necessarily living well. In episode 71, I discuss health-and vs lifespan with Tristan Van Moerkerken. About how to live a long, resilient and healthy life and why prevention is better than cure. You can find all of the products mentioned in…
20 Sep 2022 47 min

EP70 - Ageing Beautiful with Dr Tahera Essay

At the time of recording this podcast over 100 million vials of Botox have been sold and used in numerous applications. And this is just one of the many hundreds of aesthetic treatments available to anyone who wants to freshen their physical appearance perhaps look a little younger. Self esteem…
23 Aug 2022 1 hr 01 min
20 – 40